Privacy Policy

HELPRELIEF.ORG is committed to respecting your privacy when we use your personal data. We use your data as described below to allow you to use HELPRELIEF.ORG, enhance your experience using our platform, maximise your giving network and ensure that no good cause goes unfunded (and of course comply with applicable data protection laws!).

I. Who Are We?
II. How to Reach Our Data Protection Officer?
III. How Do We Notify You of Changes to this Policy?
IV. What Are Your Rights?
V. What Data Do We Collect?
VI. What Happens If You Don’t Want Us to Have Your Data?
VII. How Do We Use Your Data?
VIII. With Whom Are We Sharing Your Data?
IX. How Do Charity Partners Use My Data?
X. How Do We Use Personal Data of Our Partner Users?
XI. How Long Do We Keep Your Data?
XII. Children’s Data
XIII. Users Located in the UK and European Union

Who Are We?

HELPRELIEF.ORG operates its platform in a number of countries with its office located in the U.K. When you access HELPRELIEF.ORG in these countries, HELPRELIEF.ORG is provided by the following relevant entity:

  • in the UK and the European Economic Area by International Emergency Volunteer Support group, an entity established under the laws of England and Wales, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR, United Kingdom;

You can contact HELPRELIEF.ORG via help@HELPRELIEF.ORG or by writing to the address listed above for the HELPRELIEF.ORG entity providing services to you. This Policy applies to our collection and use of your data in connection with our services, like HELPRELIEF.ORG (the “Services”).

How to Reach Our Data Protection Officer?

To contact HELPRELIEF.ORG’s Data Protection Officer regarding our processing of your personal data, email privacy@HELPRELIEF.ORG.

How Do We Notify You of Changes to this Policy?

We keep this Policy under regular review and place updates on We will also provide notifications of material changes via email or other channels. If you keep using the Services after we notify you, you consent to the updated Privacy Policy. If not, you may cancel your account.

What Are Your Rights?

HELPRELIEF.ORG recognises that your personal data belongs to you and we don’t wish to use it in ways that you don’t want us to.

You can control whether or not you receive marketing email from HELPRELIEF.ORG by visiting the Notifications Centre in your Account.

If granted by applicable laws, you can also exercise a variety of rights regarding our use of your data:

· You can ask us for a copy of the information we have about you

· You can ask us to correct any incorrect data we have about you and you can also update your account details yourself at any time by visiting your HELPRELIEF.ORG account

· You can ask us to delete your data

· You can ask for your data in a common, machine-readable format

· You can object to any processing we do on the basis of legitimate interests or to any automated decision-making

· You can ask us to restrict the processing of your data

To exercise any of the foregoing rights, click here. Note that some of these rights may not be enforceable in your jurisdiction and some aren’t absolute—for example, we may not be able to forget you if we have to keep some of your data to comply with the law—but we’ll evaluate your request in accordance with applicable data protection laws. HELPRELIEF.ORG will respond to your request within one month of receiving it. Also, note that if you’re located in the UK or the EU, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office or the supervisory authority in your country of residence or place of work.

What Data Do We Collect?

We don’t receive any personal data about you other than what you provide us, either by creating an account, using the Services, from Facebook when you agree to connect your Facebook account to HELPRELIEF.ORG, or data we can infer from your use of the Services.

When you create an HELPRELIEF.ORG account: We will collect basic contact information about you to set up your account you so you can make donations or raise funds. This will include your name, address and email address. We will also ask you to register a username and password so you can gain secure access to your account in the future.

Alternatively, you may authorise us to collect your basic personal details from a secure online source (e.g. Google, Facebook, PayPal or a sponsor charity) to which you have already provided this information.

We enable you to set an image for your HELPRELIEF.ORG profile and this image is shown as a thumbnail next to all of your actions on the platform, unless you have chosen to hide your name and photo from the public when you donate. Please note that this image is dynamic and not frozen in time—e.g. if you change your image in 2018, the new image will appear next to your activities from 2015.

When you sign in to HELPRELIEF.ORG using your Facebook account: If you choose to login via Facebook, we will obtain access to your Facebook public profile information and email address. We will use this information to allow you to login and populate our records about you. If you give us permission (via Facebook’s preference settings), we may also obtain access to your friend list but we only receive the names of your friends who are also HELPRELIEF.ORG users. We will only use this to see if people on your friends list are also using our website and as set out in How we use personal information below. You can control whether or not Facebook shares this data with us, either by changing your preferences when you first login to HELPRELIEF.ORG with your Facebook account or by visiting the app setting controls on Facebook’s platform.

When you make a donation: To enable us to process donations, we will collect basic payment information as well as your name, home address and email address. Your name and the amount you’ve donated will display on the public page unless you select the “Hide my name and photo from public view” option when you donate. As well as hiding your details from the public when you donate, you can also change the display name to something else, such as a nickname or your initials.

When you create a Fundraising or Crowdfunding Page: We will use the details you provided when you set up your account to create your Fundraising Page or HELPRELIEF.ORG Crowdfunding Page. We will also collect details of the charity or not-for-profit that you are supporting or the details for your proposed Crowdfunding Page. Where applicable, we will ask you to provide details of how and when you are intending to fundraise and/or the occasion you are recognising by carrying out the fundraising.

Where you create a Crowdfunding Page, we will also collect your title (if you choose to provide it), date of birth, telephone number and personal bank account details.

When you give us information about others: You may decide to provide us with information about others (or authorise us to collect this information on your behalf from your social networks or your email contacts list) for example:

· so we can help you tell your friends and family about a Crowdfunding Page you are running or charity fundraising you are carrying out; or

· if you start fundraising or crowdfunding for, or in the memory or in celebration of, another person

You must ensure that they have agreed to you providing us with their information. Where required by local laws, we would advise you to keep a record of their agreement and provide them with a copy of, or link to, this Policy. This is especially the case if you provide us with sensitive information about them (e.g. a reference to an illness or health condition).

You should also only contact individuals using the Services who you know would be happy to hear from you and must not use our Services to send unsolicited ‘spam’ messages.

If you create a Crowdfunding Page for a club, organisation, body or association which is managed by someone other than yourself, you must ensure that the manager(s) of that club, organisation etc. agrees to your fundraising (e.g. you are a member of a sports club and want to raise funds for a new clubhouse – you must seek the agreement of the sports club committee).

When you register your interest to hear about Charity Places for Events: We collect personal information when you register your interest to be informed about Charity Places for an Event. This will include information such as your name and email address.

When you apply for a Charity Place: We collect personal information when you apply for a Charity Place for an Event. This will include your name, email address and any additional questions which help the charity to review your application.

When you use the Services: We also collect information about your use of our Services, including your IP address, mobile device identifier, how much time you spend on the site, and what you do, like or view. We do this through the use of cookies. To read more about our use of cookies, please refer to our separate Cookies page.

What Happens If You Don’t Want Us to Have Your Data?

You are not required to provide personal data to us. Note, however, that your failure to do so may affect our ability to provide the Services you request. For example, we are unable to process your donation to a fundraiser if you do not provide your payment information.

How Do We Use Your Data?

HELPRELIEF.ORG uses your personal data to provide the services you request, to personalise your HELPRELIEF.ORG experience, to send you communications and to enhance your ability to raise funds for the causes you care about. We also use your data to help us make HELPRELIEF.ORG better and to advertise to you.

Services Requested: We use your information to provide our Services to you:

  • using your account data to enable you to take advantage of our platform’s features, like setting up a Fundraising or Crowdfunding Page
  • processing donations and claiming Gift Aid, if applicable
  • where you set up a Crowdfunding Page, to carry out bank account verification and identity checking, including with a credit reference agency

Personalising your HELPRELIEF.ORG: We want to enhance your experience with HELPRELIEF.ORG by tailoring the site to your interests:

  • When you “like” a cause or type of cause, we use that information to suggest causes you may be interested in and show them to you on the home Feed
  • In your Feed, we’ll also show you actions taken by people in your giving network—Facebook friends (if you’ve linked your account to HELPRELIEF.ORG) who are also HELPRELIEF.ORG users and people to whose Fundraising/Crowdfunding Pages you have donated
  • In your Feed and elsewhere in the Services, we’ll show you causes related to causes you have fundraised for or donated to in the past

Communications: We use your information to send you some different types of emails and you can stop receiving them as set forth below:

Types of Emails How Can You Stop Getting Them?
Related to registering your interest in Charity Places for an Event. HELPRELIEF.ORG will send you information relating to Charity Places and, if successful, how to set up an HELPRELIEF.ORG fundraising page or, if not successful, how to apply for another Charity Place You can opt-out by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom on the email
Related to helping us to analyse how well our products, marketing activities and business processes are working and understanding how we can provide a better experience for our users You can opt-out by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom on the email
Related to pages you create or donations you make to keep you apprised of what’s happening on your page (or the page to which you donated) and to help you fundraise for that specific page, like donation notifications, target reach, fundraising tips and contests for active fundraisers to help you raise more for your cause You can opt-out here
Notifying all our users of important alerts related to the platform, like outages or security issues You can opt-out here
Containing marketing messages about other ways to give and fundraise, like news and competitions related to charities and Crowdfunding Pages, page activity in your giving network, developments in our Services, information about our affiliates’ products for social good

We only send these with your consent. To stop receiving them, click unsubscribe on any email (which takes you to your Notifications Centre) or visit the Notifications Centre directly
Triggered by actions you take using the Services, like page creation and cancellation notification emails You can’t opt-out of these, but you won’t receive any unless you take an action on HELPRELIEF.ORG. To stop receiving these emails, just don’t take any actions on the platform.
Containing communications, we’re required to provide you by law, like donation receipts, Gift Aid information or notices about data breaches We have to send these emails as required by law, as long as you have an HELPRELIEF.ORG account. To stop receiving these emails, please contact us to delete your account.

Notifications: We offer Crowdfunding Page creators the option to enable browser notifications from HELPRELIEF.ORG, which contain tips and information about their pages. Users can change their preferences on receiving browser notifications either by accessing their browser settings or visiting the Notifications Centre.

Enhancing Your Ability to Raise Funds: We offer you a variety of ways to enhance your fundraising/crowdfunding abilities, such as:

  • allowing you to share others’ pages or your donation to a page with your connections by email, to other HELPRELIEF.ORG users or through your social networks, like Facebook or Twitter
  • when you create or update a page, allowing you to share that news with your giving network by email, to other HELPRELIEF.ORG users or through your social networks

Making HELPRELIEF.ORG Better: We use aggregated and personal data about you and your use of our Services to develop and test better fundraising tools, to drive our research and development and to better understand our users and charity partners. HELPRELIEF.ORG does this analysis using a variety of data sources—transactional data (how you use the Services), clickstream and log data (web traffic and Services usage), email data (how you respond to emails we send you), survey data, customer service data and data you agree to share with us from your Facebook account. We may send you surveys about the Services, but you can opt-out of receiving these and participation is completely voluntary.

Advertising: Aside from sending marketing communications by email, we may target ads to our users and measure how they perform, both through our Services, such as on HELPRELIEF.ORG, and through other channels like social networking sites and other websites.

With Whom Are We Sharing Your Data?

We may disclose your data to our affiliated organisations and subsidiaries, and to service providers who render services to us or you on our behalf. We also may disclose your information if required by law, requested by law enforcement authorities or to enforce our legal rights, such as pursuant to a subpoena or to HMRC when you claim Gift Aid. We may share your information in connection with a sale or reorganisation of HELPRELIEF.ORG, but in any such case, the terms of this Policy will continue to apply.

Our service providers include:

· banks and payment providers – to authorise and complete payment transactions;

· in relation to creators of Crowdfunding Pages, third party identity checking or credit reference agencies – for the purposes of identity checking and bank account verification;

· organisations within the payment card industry – to help prevent online fraud;

· IT, information security and cloud services providers – to help us provide the Services and keep your data safe;

· communication providers – to assist us with the processing and delivery of email and other communications;

· behavioural analytics tools, like Kissmetrics – to collect and help us understand data when you use our Services, described in the How Do We Use Data? Section.

We also share your personal data with fundraisers, Crowdfunding Page creators, charities and event partners and companies as follows:

Fundraisers and Crowdfunding Page Creators: If you donate to a Fundraising or Crowdfunding Page, we let the page creator know your identity, email address and amount of your donation.

Charities: We share with charities and not-for-profits who are registered with us details about donations made to them, including your personal data (such as your name, email address and postal address). For donors located in the UK or EU or donating to a charity in the UK or EU, we’ll only share your personal details with the beneficiary charity if you opt-in to receive communications from it. Charities and not-for-profits who are registered with HELPRELIEF.ORG also have access to data about Fundraising Pages created by our users (including personal data of page creators) so they can understand who is fundraising for their benefit. For more information, please see the section “How Do Charity Partners Use My Data?” below. We will also share your personal details with the charity when you apply for a Charity Place for an Event. This is so the charity can contact you about your application and, if successful, can register your details with the Event Organiser so you can attend.

Partners: If you create a Fundraising Page for, donate to, register for, enter or otherwise participate in a sponsored event, campaign, fundraising initiative, promotion or sweepstake, we may share data about such Fundraising Pages, donation activity or registration with sponsoring third-party partners so that they can help to facilitate your participation in an event, campaign, fundraising initiative or promotion or to contact you as permitted by applicable law. The data we share with these partners may include your name, address, email address, donation amount and date, the named beneficiary and creation date of your page, your fundraising target, how much you have raised and the number of donors to your page. Fundraising Page creators, donors and participants located in the UK and EU can opt-out of such sharing by contacting us unless the sharing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you’re a party.

How Do Charity Partners Use My Data?

As stated above we will share your personal data with the charities to which you donate unless you’re in the UK/EU and choose not to share data with those charities or receive email appeals from them. We’ll also share details of Fundraising Page creators with charities on whose behalf you fundraise. When we pass your information to charities, they also become a controller with respect to such personal data. This means that they’re responsible for their own compliance with data protection laws when they use your personal data, and all such use is subject to the charity’s own privacy notice. HELPRELIEF.ORG is not responsible for charities’ use of your personal data or the charities’ compliance with applicable laws.

When you donate to or create a Fundraising Page, HELPRELIEF.ORG will ask whether or not you consent to receive email from the charity about the impact of your donation and other ways to support them including future events, campaigns and appeals. We will pass your consent preference on to the charity if it is subscribed to receive such reporting from us. Note that the charity will need to receive your personal data to send you emails you consent to receive.

If you want to change your preferences for a charity to use your data (to contact you or otherwise), please contact the charity directly.

If the charity you’re interacting with hasn’t subscribed to receive charity reporting from HELPRELIEF.ORG, that charity won’t have access to details about your consent preferences. This means that they won’t know if you have opted in or out of receiving email fundraising appeals.

Note that charities receive information about supporters from lots of different sources. We’re not the system of record for our charity partners, so we can only collect and evidence your consent to receive email fundraising appeals from our charity partners as you elect on our platform. We cannot reflect any changes in your consent preferences that you make directly with the charity. For example, if you opt-in to receive emails from a charity when you make a donation through HELPRELIEF.ORG, but then you subsequently opt-out by telling the charity, HELPRELIEF.ORG won’t have a record that you opted out of receiving email from that charity.

How Do We Use Personal Data of Our Partner Users?

If you work for a charity or company that has a business relationship with HELPRELIEF.ORG, we use your data in slightly different ways than for individual users of the Services.

We collect a business user’s name, work email address, office number and fax number. We use this data to enable you to sign into your business’ account and to access charity reporting. In addition, we may use your data to perform business services you request. Finally, we will send you the following email communications: operational emails, customer service emails and business marketing emails. When you log into your Notifications Centre, you can opt-out of receiving emails from us, other than service emails related to your requests.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

We keep your personal data in an identifiable form for as long as we have a legitimate reason to use the data and as required by law.

Children’s Data

We do not direct the Services to users under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us at help@HELPRELIEF.ORG.

Users Located in the UK and European Union

In addition to the foregoing, the following provisions apply to our users located in the UK and EU.

On What Legal Bases Do We Process Your Data?

We process your personal data on a variety of legal bases depending on the use. For example, we will only process your personal data to send you direct marketing if we have your consent and you can withdraw this consent at any time by visiting the Notifications Centre and opting out of receiving such emails. Sometimes it is necessary to process your data for us to comply with our legal obligations, like when we send Gift Aid information to HMRC.

How Are We Using Your Data Based on Our Legitimate Interests?

We may process your personal data for the purposes of our legitimate interests, provided that these uses aren’t outweighed by your rights or interests. For any uses we justify on the basis of legitimate interest, you have the right to opt-out of such processing here. To learn more about our use of data for our legitimate interests, please see our separate page.

Are We Doing Any Automated Decision Making?

To help our users fundraise more effectively, we employ machine learning and other analytics that make inferences about some characteristics of our users. We use these tools to tailor emails to you, to show and prioritise causes, fundraisers, pages, and users on your Feed we think you’ll be interested in and make suggestions about how much you may want to fundraise or donate. You can opt-out of these processes at any time here. To learn more about the automatic decision-making we do, please see our separate page.

Where Are We Sending Your Data?

As a global platform, we may store some users’ personal data outside the UK or EU. If we do, we ensure your data is processed only in countries that provide an adequate level of protection for your data or where the recipient provides appropriate safeguards, such as model contract clauses, binding corporate rules, or mechanisms like the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework. For a copy of such safeguards, please contact us.

Date and number of this version: 14 March 2020, 1.0


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